Code Blue, which code is it?

September 26, 2008

Finally, a new dorama of Yamashita Tomohisa (aka YamaP). I am pretty sure that lots of fans have been waiting for YamaP’s appearance since the last time he appeared as Kenzou in Proposal Daisakusen Special. If you go to wikidrama page, you will find a very high rating by the airing of Code Blue first episode.

Things that you will suddenly notice while watching this series:

– YamaP has Kimutaku’s hairstyle. I don’t know why the producer styled him like that, are they trying to create a new generation of Kimutaku’s image? I hope not, I will never agree to compare Yama P and Kimutaku. Both are very good actors but still in different way.

– He’s playing a totally different role from what I call “typical YamaP roles” (where he’s used to be an easygoing person, a talker, and such a spontant comedian who is sometimes a bit essentric ^^;). In code Blue, you will see the serious type of YamaP. YamaP as Aizawa-sensei is known as a genius doctor-heli-intern and yet socially inactive when it comes to approach the patients in person.

-Toda Erika, who played the beauty from Nobuta wo Produce, is here again as YamaP’s partner. Not that they have a lover-kind relationship but more like fellow student relationship with lots of competitions to be acknowledged as the best intern of all.  I’m actually glad to see that Toda Erika is given Hiyama’s role in this dorama. I don’t really know if she had ever played this kind of role before but at least while becoming Hiyama-sensei, Toda-kun does not potray that perfect lady type as she usually had in the past (in Hana Yori Dango 2 and in Nobuta wo Produce).

According to some sources, Code Blue dorama is actually representing the real proposal of implementing Doctor Heli in Japan in order to improve hospital service by giving a faster emergency aid than ambulance.  Furthermore some scenes were also done in a real helicopter that gives the audience a more real-life situation when watching the dorama.

My suggestion while watching this series is just be prepared to encounter frequent operation events with lots of blood, cutting, slicing flesh, and not forgetting to mention those near-death life experiences.

I don’t recall to what the title relates to…CODE BLUE, is that pointing to the blue uniform worn by doctor heli?

By following this series, I did recall the time when I wanted to take medical major after graduating from high school and suddenly I changed my mind because realizing that I always feel like throwing up and fainting everytime I see so much blood ^^; and that horror feeling does come back to me when watching some of the scenes.